Frühling in Paris
Solo Piano
Duration: 4:00
This was the very first piece that got me into music composition. In 2015, the German metal band Rammstein, would release an album of piano arrangements of their most popular songs at the time in collaboration with arrangers Sven Helbig and Lars Kutschke, and pianist Clemens Pötzsch. Around 2018 I had gotten obsessed with the album and I attempted to transcribe and copy this song and "Mein Herz Brennt", although nowhere to the amount of detail this version is in.
Large Jazz Combo (nonet)
Duration: 3:00+
Written for a large jazz combo, "Goodnight" opens with a baritone saxophone feature with simple accompaniment from the rhythm section, an homage to various tracks on Gerry Mulligan's 1963/65 album "Night Lights". "Goodnight" also features a section open for improvisation, and afterward simple melodic lines until the piece reaches the climax on the penultimate chord.
Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (BWV 639)
Horn Quartet
Duration: 3:00
Originally written as a chorale prelude for the Organ, this arrangement of J.S. Bach's "Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ" (I Call to You, Lord Jesus Christ) has been made for horn quartet. preserving all the original lines and adapting them to be the best fit for the horn and to maintain a balance of voices.
Klezmer Dance
Clarinet & Piano
Non-western classical
Duration: 3:30
"Klezmer Dance" is a rearrangement for Clarinet and Piano of the 1st movement from another piece "Klezmer Quartet No. 1".
The Jewish musical style of Klezmer includes a unique style to playing the clarinet, this piece (and the original) attempts to imitate this style with a waltz and a dance while providing a focus on the clarinet.
Klezmer Quartet No. 1
Clarinet, Violin, Cello & Piano
Non-western classical
Duration: 7:30
"Klezmer Quartet No. 1" is an imitation of the Jewish musical style known as Klezmer. The main characteristic of klezmer is the style and expression performed by Clarinet and Violin. This piece explores Klezmer sound with a waltz, dance and a slow lamentable song.
Let Me Fly
Horn Ensemble (4-parts)
Duration: 3:00
A rearrangement for horn ensemble (4-part), of Robert De Cormier's arrangement of the spiritual "Let Me Fly" for SATB chorus. An upbeat piece that features solos and can be a great piece to introduce non-classical styles in ensemble repertoire.
Poem of Love and Joy
TTBB Chorus and Piano
Duration: 6:00
A piece for TTBB Chorus and Piano depicting the beauty and fragility of love from a gay male perspective, that touches on struggles of queer people all around, from an unwelcoming environment, to a struggle with finding and accepting identity, and feeling disconnected from other queer people.
8-part Chorus
Duration: 4:00
A piece for an 8-part chorus telling the story of a fictional village with the rituals and celebrations that occur throughout the day-night cycle using a fictitious language based on various mouth shapes and sounds rather than traditional lyrics.
The Funk Fugue
Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba and Drum set
Duration: 3:30
At first, a classical fugue and funk music seem worlds apart. But they share something in common: Complexity. Imagine both as musical puzzles: Fugues are weaving the same melody and various other counter-melodies together, creating rich textures; and funk is known for its intricate rhythms, and syncopated beats to create grooves. This piece embraces the non-traditional brass trio formation and blends the style of western-classical and funk.
The Three B's
Solo Horn in F and Piano
Jazz (Blues, Boogie-woogie, & Bebop)
Duration: 7:30
This piece is dedicated to my Horn professor at the University of Arkansas, Dr. Katey J. Halbert. The piece is meant to fill a gap in horn repertoire by focusing on various jazz styles and placing emphasis on the low range of the horn which is often shadowed in pieces for solo horn. The piece incorporates many elements of jazz including providing opportunities for improvisation. The piece also pays homage to three jazz styles and artists that I either have a great reverence for or whose music I have played.
Two Chorales and Fugue
Brass Quintet
Duration: 4:00
“Two Chorales and Fugue” initially existed as just a fugue, a self-practice, and a study for writing a fugue. However, I wanted to post the score, but just a short fugue didn’t satisfy or justify posting it. Eventually, I added the introduction chorale, however, this still didn’t satisfy in terms of length. Around the time of writing, the chorale I had recently discovered concepts of “negative harmony”, and I used a plugin to invert the original chorale to where now the alto voice became the primary voice, adjusting the octaves and voicings as needed. This work sat on my computer for a while as a solo keyboard work until the summer of 2023, I decided to throw together a brass quintet arrangement.
Variations on Themes
Solo Piano
Duration: 3:30
"Variations on Themes" is a piano reduction of a saxophone quartet, based on a trombone study by Himie Voxman (1912-2011).
This piece identifies 3 themes and transforms them in several ways, from a scherzo, waltz, and dance to a lyrical passage.